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What kind of weed is this?

  • There is a few different weeds that are common in the area.  Most can be prevented by having a healthy lawn before they start.  Some are easier to identify then others.  If you don't know what you have, try the University of Minnesota web site to help you identify what you might have and they can give you some sugestions on how to get rid of them.

Dandy Lion

I have pine trees and the grass doesn't grow under them.  What can I do?

  • Grass doesn't like to grow under pine trees because the soil becomes too acidic.  The best way to get grass to start growing is to apply lime to the soil under the trees two or three times the first year, then at least once a year after.  This can be done by hand or with a spreader and should be watered in.  This brings the acid content of the soil down.  Removing pine needles as soon as possible also helps keep the soil from getting too acidic.

Grub Damage

We haven't had much rain and my grass is turning brown.  Should I be worried that it is dead?

  • Nope. The grass has gone into a dormancy state like it does in the winter. Grass will go dormant to save it's self.  Of course, everyone wants a nice green lush lawn, but it takes a lot of water to keep it that way.  It takes about 1/2 inch to 1 inch of water a week to stay green.  In drought times, let the grass go brown.  It will be a lot cheaper for you to let it go then to fight with mother nature and water your lawn all the time.  Infrequent and DEEP watering is the best practice.  And do NOT fertalize the lawn when the grass is stressed out from high heat and no rain.  

  • More on Kentucky Bluegrass can be found here.

Snow Mold

What kind of grass seed should I use?

  • First, if your yard is extreamly shadded with trees, you will have a lot of problems growing grass of any kind.  Trees tend to use up a lot of water. Try using Fine Fescue in the shady area and Kentucky Blue Grass in sunny areas.   It is hard to have both shade trees and a great lawn. 

Crab Grass

When should I aerify and dethatch?

  • I usually detatch in the spring, and aerate in the fall. Some lawns don't need either.  Some only need Aerating.  Some only need dethaching. Depends on the soil.  But I never do it durring the heat of the summer.  It puts too much stress on the lawn.


I have these beetles all over the place and they are eating my plants.  What are they?

  • Well, I am not a bug expert, however there is one type of beetle that has found it's way to our area that in destroying a lot of vegitation. If you see beetles, that means there is grubs.  And that can also affect your lawn.  If you see a beetle like the one to the right, It's called a "Japanese Beetle".  You can see the damage they can do.

  •  Please go to this page to learn more about them and how you can help keep the spread of these invasive bugs from happening.

Japanese Beetle
Pet Damage

If you don't see an answer to your question, please go to my contact page and send me a message.  

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